- Sponsorship and ‘adoption’ of individual children for support of their education and well-being – Village of Palana West (59 children) – by individual sponsors in Durham and nearby locations, and the community of Spittal in Berwick-upon-Tweed
Sponsorship and ‘adoption’ of individual children for support of their education and well-being – Weligama (28 children) – by individual sponsors in Durham and Northumberland
- Palana West School – single storey building – by Durham University undergraduate students – opened 2006
- School Room furniture and outside play equipment for Palana West School –by Eglingham Church of England First School and Chatton Church of England First School in Northumberland
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Palana West building and village by Durham students in Palana West in 2006 (undergraduates), with continuation visits in 2007 (post-graduate students) and 2008 (post-graduates and alumni)
- Contribution to teaching and the compilation of resources for curriculum development at the University of Ruhuna by Durham University undergraduate students, 2006 and 2007
- Palana West community building – completion of the second floor of the Palana west building – by the Rotary Club of Durham Elvet –opened in 2007
- Provision of a banner for Palana West School by Eglingham Church of England First School, 2007
- Provision of equipment for the Palana West community building including a computer, library furniture, library books, tables and chairs and basic medical equipment – by the Rotary Club of Durham Elvet
- Contribution to the building of Moraketiara School – by the Rotary Club of Alnwick in 2005 and on-going annual support for teaching in this school by Durham undergraduate students.
- Provision of two motor boats and a sewing machine for the Rotary Community Corps in Moraketiara – by Durham undergraduate students in 2006
- Rassandeniya school and community building – by Durham University undergraduate students – opened in 2007
- Equipment for Rassandeniya school and community building – furniture, books and playground equipment – by the community of Spittal – 2007
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Rassandeniya building and village by Durham University undergraduate students in 2007 and continuation visits by both undergraduate and post-graduate students in 2008
- Provision of a third motor boat for the Moraketiara Rotary Community Corps – by Durham University undergraduate students in 2007
- Provision of musical instruments, further equipment and a banner for Rassandeniya School and village – by the community of Spittal in 2007 and 2008
- Provision of a catamaran engine for Vipulu and his family of Weligama – by Eglingham Church of England First School, Chatton Church of England First School and a private donation – 2007
- Gandarawatte School and community building – by Durham University undergraduate students – opened in 2008
- Provision of school room furniture and equipment for Gandarawatte village, by private donation
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Gandarawatte building and village – by Durham University undergraduate students in 2008 (to be continued, as with the villages of Palana West and Rassandeniya in future years)
- Provision of football kit, stationery, and further school room equipment for Rassandeniya village -by the community of Spittal and civic leaders of Berwick-upon-Tweed – 2008
- Provision of drums for Rassandeniya School -by three Durham alumni in 2008, who had been part of the 2007 undergraduate student group there
- Provision of library books and other basic equipment for Sangaratha School in Ahangama – by post-graduate student and alumnus – 2008
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Ahangama, in Dharmarama and Sangaratha Schools, by Durham University post-graduates, undergraduates and alumni – 2008 (to be continued in future years as with the other villages)
- Contributions to teaching of students, leading a course for university support staff on the English language, and presenting papers at an international academic symposium at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka – by Durham University undergraduate students – 2008
- Provision of scholarships to support the education of pupils of Moraketiara School from donations contributed by Durham University undergraduates in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
- Ihalagalagama school and community building – by the British and Foreign School Society and Durham University undergraduate students, opened 2009
- Provision of computer, internet facilities, furniture and other basic equipment for Ihalagalagama community building in 2009 – by the British and Foreign School Society and Project Sri Lanka
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Ihalagalagama village by Durham University undergraduate students in 2009 (to be continued in future years as with the other villages)
- Contribution to teaching and curriculum development at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka by Durham University undergraduate students, 2009
- Provision of sporting equipment for Ihalagalagama village and the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka – by Durham University undergraduates studying sport and sport in the community in 2009
- Establishment of a cricket pitch at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka by Team Durham sports students 2009
- Volunteer sports teaching and coaching in Ihalagalagama and the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka by Durham University undergraduate students in 2009 (to be continued in future years)
- Hiththatiya school and community building – by Durham University undergraduate students and the British and Foreign School Society, opened 2009
- Provision of equipment for school room, playground and village of Hiththatiya in 2009 – by private donation through Project Sri Lanka
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Hiththatiya village by Durham University undergraduate students in 2009 (to be continued in future years as in the other villages)
- Provision of School grounds gate, gas cylinder connection, first aid equipment, white board and other school room items for Rassandeniya, 2009, by private donation through Project Sri Lanka
- Provision of business advice and research for the development of the cinnamon production, sale and export business in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka by Master of Business Administration students, 2009
- Provision of books, fence, computer and photocopier for Ahangama Sangaratha School, 2009, by Master of Social Work Students
- Provision of equipment for establishing and developing income generating activities and community development in Moraketiara by post-graduate students, 2009
- Donation of 2 Project Sri Lanka dedicated hand sewn patchwork quilts by ‘Patchwork and Quilting Darlington’ for raising funds for the Project
- Gifts of classroom materials to support the learning of mathematics, writing, arts and creative skills in Moraketiara, Ahangama and Hiththatiya from Delaval Middle School, Northumberland
- Creation of a sports’ ground and play area at Moraketiara by post-graduate students 2009
- Establishment of internet business in Moraketiara by post-graduate students 2009
- Puwakgahawela village school and community building, plus furniture and equipment, by Project Sri Lanka and the British and Foreign school Society, opened in 2010
- Teaching in Ahangama’s Sangaratha and Dharmarana Schools and Sri Sumangala School, Weligama by community volunteers Alison and Michael Brown and Scott Weightman, 2010
- Provision of further business advice and research for the development of the cinnamon production, marketing and exportation business in southern Sri Lanka and also for the fishing industry, by Master of Business administration students 2010
- Kirelawela village school and community building, plus furniture, equipment, books and basic classroom resources by Durham University undergraduate students, opened 2010
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Puwakgahawela village by Team Durham sports students, 2010 (to be continued in future years as with other villages); plus coaching of sports in the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka by team Durham 2010
- Provision of sports equipment and equipment for developing the sports curriculum at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and sporting equipment for Puwakgahawela village by Team Durham sports students 2010
- Volunteer teaching in Kirelawela village by undergraduate students 2010 (to be continued in future years as with other villages)
- Volunteer teaching and student support activities in the University of Colombo and in Sri School, Weligama, by undergraduate students 2010
- Provision of a wide range of basic classroom resources for Sri Sumangala School by private donation through Project Sri Lanka 2010 and 2011
- Provision of sewing and handcraft materials, camera, digital duplo printer, multi-media projector and copier/printer for Sri Sumangala School by private donations through Project Sri Lanka, 2010 and 2011
- Provision of further equipment for Rassandeniya and Gandarawatte Schools by the community of Spittal and private donations through Project Sri Lanka, 2010 and 2011
- Teaching in Sri Sumangala School by community volunteers Scott Weightman and Michael Cumberland, 2010 and 2011
- Shipment of a container of goods from Delaval Middle School by Northumberland County Council for equipping the Rotary Sri Lanka Kudaththanai Karaiyoor School in Jaffna – a container of school students’ and teachers’ chairs, tables, desks, cabinets, other furniture, books , gym equipment and classroom resources. Donated 2010. School opened 2011.
- Provision of a range of books and classroom equipment for Moraketiara pre-school plus sports equipment for Moraketiara School by post-graduate students 2010.
- Provision of teacher training courses in pre-school education and a long course on the learning of the English language for all of the teachers in our Matara District villages, staged by members of the Education Ministry in Matara and University teachers in Sri Lanka and supported by undergraduate team 2010.
- Volunteer support activities in Parartha home for young women in Colombo, 2010 and 2011.
- Construction of a retaining wall necessary for the preparation of land and the building of our community centre/school in Aththudawa, provided by the community of Spittal, 2010.
- Provision of further business advice and research support for the development of the tourism industry, eco-village development, coconut production and marketing and cinnamon production and exportation, by Durham University MBA students 2011.
- Pambahinna village school and community building, plus furniture and equipment, provided by the British and Foreign School Society and Durham University sports students through Project Sri Lanka, opened 2011.
- Aththudawa village school and community building plus furniture and equipment provided by Durham University undergraduate volunteers, opened 2011.
- Volunteer teaching and community development activities in Pambahinna village by Team Durham sports students, 2011 (to be continued in future years as with all other partnership villages); plus on-going coaching of students in various sports at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 2011.
- Provision of sports equipment for the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and the village of Pambahinna by Project Sri Lanka Team Durham volunteers 2011.
- Volunteer teaching at Aththudawa pre-school, plus all other Matara area Project Sri Lanka villages, plus Moraketiara School and Siddhartha College in Weligama, by Project Sri Lanka Durham University undergraduate volunteers 2011.
- Volunteer teaching at the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka by Project Sri Lanka Trustee Professor Taylor, 2011.
- Ongoing teacher training programmes (in-service pre-school teacher training plus the learning of English) with teachers in Project Sri Lanka’s six Matara area pre-schools, 2011 and continuing.
- Provision of exterior fence and refurbishment of interior of Rassandeniya School, 2011
- Provision of electricity and water supply for community buildings in Rassandeniya and Pambahinna, 2011/2012
- Volunteer teaching and community support activities in our partnership villages, Sri Sumangala College, Siddhartha College, Aruna Vidyalaya and the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in 2012 by Trustees Alison Brown, Scott Weightman, Joy Cooper, David Cooper, and community volunteers Sandra Evans and Stephen Fletcher.
- Continuation of professional advice and sharing of knowledge by Durham University MBA students in 2012 in the fields of sustainable tourism, national parks and the textile industry.
- Donation of silver sports trophy for Rotary Sri Lanka’s Kudaththanai Karaiyoor School in Jaffna, by the Rotary Club of Alnwick.
- Vikumgama community building and pre-school, funded by Durham University undergraduate volunteers and by Project Sri Lanka, opened July 2012.
- Volunteer teaching at Vikumgama, the other 6 Matara area villages, the 3 Ratnapura District villages, Aruna Vidyalaya, and the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, by Project Sri Lanka student volunteers 2012.
- Provision of wells for drinking water and agricultural purposes in the villages of Koonawalana and Handapanagala in the district of Wellawaya. Project commenced August 2012. Both wells were declared open in January 2013
- Construction of a water supply pipe and pump for the pre-school/community building at Rassandeniya, completed 2012.
- Completion of supply of electricity to the pre-school/community building at Pambahinna, January 2013
- Provision of funding for an operation to restore the eyesight of Perera of Weligama, January 2013
- Volunteer teaching in our various communities plus development activities including the establishment of garden plots at Vikumgama and Athudawa and the creation of a hand-made greetings card project at Vikumgama, July to September 2013
- Provision of a well for drinking and agricultural purposes in the village of Hippola. This project commenced in January 2013 and was completed in July 2013
- Provision of a water supply to Vikumgama school, September 2013
- Donation of 10 sewing machines for ladies at Ramboda in order for them to develop sewing skills necessary for gaining employment in the garment industry in Sri Lanka
- Provision of an agro-drinking well in the village of Thelulla Janapodaya, in the Wellawaya District of Sri Lanka. This project was commenced in July 2013 and the well was declared officially ‘open’ on February 2nd 2014
- Improvements were made in 2014 to the facilities and infrastructure in several of our village buildings, including fencing at Rassandeniya and Hiththatiya, and classroom equipment at Rassandeniya
- Provision of support for the start-up of small businesses in Vikumgama Village including greetings card making and marketing and the development of home agriculture plots, February 2014
- Provision of an agro-drinking well in Mederigama Village in the Kegalle District of Sri Lanka. This project was adopted in July 2013 and the well was declared officially ‘open’ on 13th February 2014
- Refurbishment of the Pre-School at Mapalagama and provision of a complete set of new equipment for the classroom and outdoor play area. This refurbishment exercise included the construction of a hygienic toilet facility with wash basin.
Provision of an agro-drinking well in the village of 39K in the Wellawaya District. This project was adopted in 2014 and declared officially completed in January 2015
- Donation of a substantial amount of equipment for the Centre for Handicapped in Kandy. This included materials for the construction of prosthetic limbs for amputees and other items of mobility equipment. Full details will be found in the donation report on the Centre for Handicapped page of the website.
- Provision of an agro-drinking well in the village of Walaskema in the Wellawaya area enabling village families to have access to water throughout the year. This project was adopted in 2014 and the well officially ‘opened’ in July 2015.
Provision of four further further agro-drinking wells, opened in January 2016. These lie in the villages of Paranapara, Parakumpura, Samagipura and Weherayaya all in the Tanamawilla and Wellawaya areas of Sri Lanka.
Donation of further items of mobility equipment and funding for prosthetic limbs for the Kandy Centre for the Handicapped, January 2015
Provision of a 4 toilet sanitation block with tank and piping at Mallapitiya Vidyalaya, 20km from Kandy town, January 2016. This provides desperately needed toilets for 700 pupils and staff.
- Provision of an agro-drinking well declared officially completed in the village of Manelgalla in the Wellawaya District, 2017.
- Provision of an agro-drinking well declared officially completed at Veheragala near Habarana, 2017.
- Donation of four further syringe pumps for Kandy General Hospital, 2017.
- The inauguration of a two year project focusing on awareness, detection, prevention and treatment of oral cancers in association with the Faculty of Dental Sciences at the University of Peradeniya and Cancer Care Services in Sri Lanka, 2017. This project is the recipient of a Rotary International Global Grant in recognition of international donors with Project Sri Lanka as the major donor.
The inauguration of a water purification project in the village of Morawewa in the Trincomalee District, 2017 which will enable 9,000 village people to access purified water in an area of chronic kidney disease caused by water contamination from pesticides.
- The enabling of 8 eye cataract operations, involving transportation of
patients in need from rural areas to Colombo, overnight accommodation
and surgery fees. Operations took place in late 2017. - Provision of paint and equipment for our village schools and community
centres in Palana and Hiththatiya. Hiththatiya building was inundated
with flood water in 2017 and all equipment was destroyed. The donation of funding for tools, water supply and plants for the
establishment of a School Garden Project at Ilukwewa Junior College in
Sigiriya.- The donation of a range of equipment to support paediatric oncology surgery at the hospital of the Peradeniya Dental Faculty in Kandy. Project Sri Lanka is a substantial donor for this project which is also in receipt of a Global Grant from Rotary International.
- Donation of equipment for the relief of pain in post-operative patients and in mothers giving birth at Peradeniya teaching Hospital in Kandy, supported by a Rotary International Global Grant
- Donation of equipment for the treatment of cranio-facial deformities at the Peradeniya Teaching hospital in Kandy, supported by a Rotary International Global Grant
- Provision of support for families and individuals suffering severe economic hardship as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic
Donation of an operating theatre dedicated to pregnant mothers and babies in urgent need of life-saving surgery. This project is also supported by a Rotary International global Grant.