Initial Impressions – Rose Maddick

We arrived at Colombo airport late on the 20th June after a very long journey… 24 hours of solid travelling had taken its toll, and bleary eyed, we stumbled out of immigration into the welcoming arms (or vans) of the Sarvodaya Organisation. This initial meeting gave me the impression I have had for the few days that we have stayed here; Sri Lankan people are some of the friendliest I have come across in my many travels. We were greeted with warm handshakes from our hosts and then whisked back to headquarters for much needed food and rest. Here again, everyone was so welcoming, and even though we may not have spoken the same language, smiles were forthcoming from all.

This friendliness has been demonstrated everywhere we have visited so far. When one of our team had an unfortunate accident, strangers went out of their way to ensure that this person was okay and would receive all the care that they needed. This is something which I found particularly touching, as sadly this level of kindness to strangers is not something we experience enough in our own country.

The other impression I have of Sri Lanka so far, is just how beautiful this country is. I have don’t think I have ever visited anywhere quite so green in my life; palm trees are on every corner you can find, including in the middle of the bustling city. Getting transport through the country and sitting watching the world go by out of a window has been one of my highlights so far and I cannot wait to explore more of this island.