Closing Ceremony – August 29th by Eghosa Nehikhare

I came out here to enlighten myself and empower the Sri Lankan people in the different villages we were assigned to work in but, honestly, I got more than I bargained for. Ten weeks ago, I was lamenting about the hot weather and the lifestyle here but little did I know that ten weeks later, I would be contemplating on moving here permanently. It is time to say goodbye as we have reached the end of project but before I do that, I shall walk you through the closing ceremony.

They say ‘to whom much is given, much is expected’. We gave our all to Vikumgama village but they definitely gave us much more than we ever expected. Their kindness, positivity, joy, happiness and generosity really touched me deeply. The ceremony was extraordinary in so many ways, from the dances and songs rendered by the little children, to the emotional speeches; I was deeply touched. The ceremony was an extraordinary one but was also a very emotional one. The tears that ran down the people’s cheeks almost brought tears to my eyes but I had to man up, which I must confess, was very difficult. It was so difficult that when we sang the song, ‘We Are The World – Michael Jackson & Others’, I had to close my eyes to prevent tears from running down my cheeks. I never thought I would feel this way but truly I have come to realise that you gain the most from giving your all. Looking back at the ten weeks that have just past, we have achieved a lot and I am extremely glad I took part in this project. It is truly a life-changing event, which I know will forever be in my heart.

I mentioned earlier that I was contemplating moving here permanently. Honestly, if I had the chance, I would do that. I never knew exactly what hospitality was until I lived with this people and if living with them would give me such qualities, and then I must say that it is an opportunity that cannot be ignored. They took me as their son, brother and close friend; this touched me in so many ways. For example, chasing the little kids around the class, dancing with the teenagers and youths, and cracking jokes with the mothers in the village brought out a different side to me. They made me realise that the most important thing in life is a smile and a good heart. It is capable of changing lives, which I can proudly say I have witnessed.

I could not bring myself to say goodbye properly to the villagers. I could not look them in their eyes to say goodbye. The sight of their tears running down their cheeks still remains vivid in my memory and brings tears to my eyes. I will miss them so much. The memories of these past ten weeks shall forever stay in my heart.
This is where it ends; this is where I say goodbye to you, the reader. If I continue writing, I will not stop, because words cannot describe how I feel and how this project has changed my life. If I continue writing, I will not only bring tears to my eyes, but the image I have tried to paint to you – in this diary – will also bring tears to your eyes.

Thank you very much Vikumgama. Thank you for everything you have given to my team members and me.

Thank you for the name you gave me, ‘Maha Raja’. I look forward to seeing you all in future. God bless you.