A Week at the Villages – 30th July to 3rd August by Emily B

This week, me and Hannah were assigned to work in the villages. Monday we went to Aththudawa, which was a good experience. There were only two children in pre-school but the work we did with them was very rewarding. One of the two children was blind, and we made a picture of an apple by holding her hand whilst she stuck peices of screwed up paper on to the picture. The after school club was also good fun, there were around 12 children and we had a great time playing wink murder.

Tuesday we went to Hiththitya. Usually, Hiththitya is done on a Wednesday, but this week it was Poya day so we went on Tuesday instead whilst Gareth and Laura went to Kirelawela. As always, Hiththitya was amazing. The children are always very well behaved and their level of English is outstanding for their age, so we sang “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes” , “Old Macdonald” and the “Hello Song.” In the after school session we got them to draw animals and colour them in using felt and glitter.

Thursday was different to the normal programme, as me and Bharkavi had been invited back to Temple school for a day. Instead of going to Rassandenya with Hannah, I spent the morning in Temple school. The purpose of going was to give gifts to the children we taught a couple of weeks ago. We made them each a bracelet using scoobies and when we gave them out they were so grateful and happy. As well as seeing the children again, we met up with the English teachers we liaised with in the 2nd week. They were expecting us on the day, but we could see they were truly grateful that we kept to our word.

Friday Gandarawatte was closed, so as a group we decided to make a start on painting Vikumgama school. Me and Hannah painted the base coat whilst Omari and Bharkavi taught in the pre-school. I enjoyed painting, it was great fun and made a change to the normal teaching day.