August 3rd

On Wednesday morning Pascale and Kirsty enjoyed their first visit to Ihalegalegama. It was a great experience and the children were very enthusiastic and made us feel very welcome. Whilst at the University the other students were working on the ongoing task of improving the fitness of the University students and carried out a series of fitness drills including ladders, pyramids and sprinting techniques. This was followed by a number of sports including tennis, badminton, cricket and swimming.

In the afternoon, four of the students continued to teach english at our village school, Pambahinna. Following the lesson, the whole group started to paint the room that we had sketched on Tuesday. The team made great progress on the classroom and by the end of the evening it had all come together with a few finishing touches that would be completed over the next few days. The team are really excited to complete the room and present it to the local community. Pictures will be attached soon.