July 27th

A normal Wednesday morning in Sri Lanka, early morning fitness circuits lead by six members of the group, whilst two set off on the journey to the village of Ighalahgama…
The pair at the pre-school played many outside games with the children, which were thoroughly enjoyed. This was followed by teaching English songs, colouring, and also the signing of a special book which had a collection of messages from all previous teams that have visited the school. They were kindly given a platter of snacks and tea as always. Back at the University, the others coached cricket and swimming. There was a real improvement in the standard of the swimming strokes and dives by the end of the session, which was very positive to see.

Later on in the day the whole team had a Karate lesson from one of the Sri Lankan lecturers, they completed learning all of the moves for their Grade one exam (which they got told they could take before they leave the country if they practice hard!) Finally, before an early night, the team had a meeting in the evening to plan all the sessions for the next day.