July 21st – 22nd

On Thursday 21st, the group introduced the steps at the auditorium to our morning fitness session to try to improve explosive power in the students.
This was a great success. Some of the other students partook in a core and pyramid session.

Then, after this, the third year students participated in a dance aerobics session taken by Jess. It was a great laugh, and very hard work – but the students really enjoyed it.

In the afternoon, the 98 children from the school in Pambahinna came to the university playing field and enjoyed a vast array of games to both have fun and improve their English.

On Friday the 22nd, Beth and Kirsty went to Puakgawela school and did various games to help with english – encorporating colours, numbers, and basic words.

Back at the university, the team set up the ‘Bangsbo intermittent field test’ as a means of making the morning fitness a little different. After lots of explaining, and lots of effort on the part of the studnets, the test was completed and we could move on to coaching sport. The sports offered were tennis and athletics, and these went down very well.