“What’s the story at Siddhartha College”, July 11th 2011 – Hannah Grayson

Thursday was my fourth day working at Siddhartha College this week. Due to the exams we had to move to a different school down the road as on previous days we had been told off by the school’s principle for making too much noise!! Chris and I arrived there to find 60 kids eagerly waiting for us at the classroom and unfortunately (due to the fact that the guy with the keys had gone on holiday) we found that we had to cram all of them into one classroom!!

We spent the morning attempting to teach them the “Balamory” theme tune. This was nothing short of hilarious and I found myself having to cover my ears when it got to the part where all of them pretty much shouted the line “BAAALAAAMOOORYYY”!! We then spent the rest of the lesson on the subject of “past, present and future” where we got the children to tell us what they had done on previous days and what they wanted to do at the weekend. This was quite a difficult exercise as we didn’t really know whether they had got the concept of the different days and different time periods. This definitely needs more work!!

The most rewarding part of the morning came when we took all of the kids outside to play some games. First we played a game where we threw a football to various children whilst shouting “Monday!” or “January!” or “one!” and the children would then have to carry on the pattern and throw the ball back. We then had a brilliant game of “cat, cat, rat” (duck, duck, goose) which everyone really enjoyed, especially the parents that were watching!

Overall it has been a busy week at Siddhartha College but at the same time I have had a lot of fun. It was sad to leave there at the end of the week as I feel that I have gotten to know all the kids really well; I will miss them all!