26th August (written by Kirsti)

Our final week of rehearsals for the Moraketiara cultural show started today.With major weather issues we boarded the bus fearing that not many students would show up on account of the weather. However, numerous thoroughly enthusiastic students met us at the gate of the school and we were escorted to the school’s auditorium. Sticking to the running order of the show, we started with the young children singing ‘I like the Flowers’ and ‘The Rainbow Song’. The kids were overwhelming in sound and smiles, we were all very happy with the final outcome of many weeks of teaching. The older students then practiced the dance that we have been teaching them and again we felt quite confident with their performance. The students also practiced their rendition of the poem ‘Macavity’ including a chorus and animal actions. We have also passed on our much loved song ‘Lean on Me’ and although we didn’t join in with them we all felt they did our favorite song justice.