12th August (written by Helen)

Preparations for our upcoming cultural show continued at Moraketiara school today. The morning was spent with a group of 11 year-old children, who are learning to sing ‘The Rainbow Song,’ ‘I Like the Flowers,’ and ‘Lean on Me.’ Their performances of these songs are really coming together, and they particularly enjoyed the accompanying actions.This was followed by a class with students in years 9 and 10. We continued to work through a dramatic reading of the poem ‘Macavity the Mystery Cat.’ It was very encouraging to see the enthusiastic responses of the students to the prospect of performing this at their cultural show. After a few drama games, we concentrated on learning new songs with them, including ‘Lean on Me,’ and the Beatles’ ‘I want to hold your hand.’

With the preparations for the show well under way, we are all very excited about the enthusiasm and high standard that the students are displaying.