10th July (written by Becky)

Today Emma, Lorna and I travelled by tuk tuk to the Rotary Combined School in Moraketiara. Passing lush landscapes, paddy fields, fighting dogs and several (three) iguanas on the way we arrived in time to start our after school English lessons. We began by teaching the Grade 2 children. After going over some basic introductions we introduced a tennis ball to the lesson. The children were instructed to throw the ball and ask the person who caught it a question e.g. “what is your name?” the child who caught the ball would then answer in English “my name is…” The ball caused much amusement, especially when it was dropped (on more than one occasion) by one of us! We then taught them the song head, shoulders knees and toes which they thoroughly enjoyed.For lunch we ate at a Rotarian’s house by the school gates. The lady told us Lucky had informed her we would be very hungry and that we were to “eat nicely” which transpired to mean eat LOTS. Our rice was replaced by even bigger mounds of rice if we even came close to clearing our plates of dahl, fish, salad and vegetables. After several helpings of papaya, pineapples, mangoes and watermelon we were given curd and honey! Suitably full we returned to teach Grade 6.We again used the ball to go over some introductions and introduce some new vocabulary. After we played a game of bingo which they seemed to understand and enjoy (although getting the winner to shout bingo proved more difficult!) After the lesson ended the teachers served us tea and Yada (an egg dish). After saying our goodbyes we returned via the tuk tuk with full stomachs and happy smiles after a rewarding day at the school.