Tuesday 31st August by Joe

The day of the cultural show arrived bright and sunny; fortunately we had been blessed following the rain and clouds of the preceeding days. Though the girls evidently took a lot longer than the boys to prepare themselves (though I will admit that the sarees must have been difficult to fit), we were able to arrive at Kirelawela in time for the 10am start time.Following a slight delay due to the forgotten ipod player (which Lali dutifully returned for: legend) we were able to kick off the show with some wonderful Sri Lankan style dances, followed by an English rock dance, performed by some of the older children; they had obviously put a lot of hard work in, and we were also highly appreciative of their brilliant performances! My favourite dance had to be the one in which the pre-school children seemingly spontaneously smashed around plants attached to sticks, for the duration of a song! However, it must be said that we also played our part in the show’ performances included ‘let it be’, ‘wave the flag’, ‘mal, mal, mal’ and my perosonal favourite: the concluding dance, taught to us by Krishanthi. All in all, a wonderful conclusion to the project, and an excellent environment in which to say our (often tearful) goodbyes’.