Tuesday 31st August by Charlotte

Waking on the day of the cultural show, a huge range of emotions were stirred within me as it dawned that this really was the end of the programme. It felt comforting, however, to look back to the opening ceremony, full of nerves and excitement as we drew up to our village for the first time, and to see how familiar the once strange surroundings now were.After spending much time being dressed in our saris and bangles (with the assistance of Lali’s wife) we pulled up to the pre-school in Kirelewella to large crowds of familiar faces and welcoming smiles.
The show itself was really enjoyable and it was a real privilege to be a part of it. The local children did a series of dances, both Sri Lankan and Western, putting our own moves to shame! When our turn came to perform to our new friends we all felt nervous as we lined up ready to belt our hearts out to S Club’s ‘Reach for the Stars’, ‘Let It Be’ and a Sri Lankan nursery rhyme ‘Mal Mal Mal’. When all the acts had finished and all the words of thanks had been said, we moved upstairs for yet another act of the village’s hospitality in the form of some delicious short eats.
Saying goodbye was extremely emotional as we bid farewell to so many brilliant friends that we’d made, including all of the children that we had developed such a close relationship with over the past nine weeks. It was an odd sensation leaving the community that we had really become a part of for the final time. That said, I felt satisfied to have left the village certain that we had had a positive impact on the people of Kirelewella and I cannot stress enough just how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to be welcomed in by such a friendly community. This day in particular will be one which I will never forget!