Wednesday 28th July by Neesha and Rachel

This week Rach, Neesh, Alice and Will were working at Sri Samanagala. At the moment all grades except grade 1 and 2 are having term tests therefore our experience was somewhat different to the previous weeks.From the previous weeks we learnt it was best to work together as a four for the first day, to enable us asses the childrens’ abilities. For the rest of the week we would work in pairs to enable us to teach as many classes aspossible. Unfortunately  Will was unable to attend school for the rest of the week due to an injury, therefore us three girls worked together. 
We had made our lesson plans and were prepared to be teaching English to the older students so we were thrown in at the deep end, when we were taken to grade 1 and grade 2 classes, who are unable to speak or understand english as they don’t learn english until grade 3. Despite this we had some sucess teaching grade 2 parts of the body by singing head shoulders knees and toes and making the girls label their drawings. The classes where we had the most sucess were visited again as the week progressed and we taught them “Nelly the elephant”.
There are some clear differences between Sri Samangala and schools in England, considering the school is so large with 3000 plus girls we found organisation to be some what lacking, particularly as some of the classes we visited had no teachers! Although term tests are set to continue next week, we hope that the members of our team who are there can continue to build on this weeks work as the children are really keen to learn.